Monday, July 28, 2014

Not Much Stuff- 7/25/14-7/27/14

So not much stuff has happened other than A TON of school. Last week was midterms so that's why I didn't post. My mythology one went well--I got an A. And I don't know how I did on philosophy yet because we haven't gotten the paper back. For Philosophy I had to write a paper on either the cosmological argument, Pascal's Wager, or noseeum inferences. I wrote papers for all of them. Like I wrote 3 papers because I couldn't figure out what to do. At this point I've written 3 papers discussing the existence of God. Nyeah. I want us to move on. I'm burnt out haha. Anyways, I ended up turning in the one on Pascal's Wager so yeah.

Also, I went to see a musical called Cabaret. It's one of my favorite musicals, so it was really cool to see it live. I had to wait 4 hours to get in (which is when I wrote 2 of the 3 papers), but it was totally worth it. The actors were really amazing and it was cool and yeah. The first act was like 2 hours it was so long and it was all fun and games but then it got deep REALLY fast. And and and there was this one song called "If You Could See Her Through My Eyes" and it was the host dancing with a person dressed in a bear suit and everyones all like "what the heck does this have to do with the musical??" And then BAM the last line of the song. It's really beautiful go look it up. Now. Look it up now. Like right now.

Outside the theatre

The stage

Abha, Le Momo, and Carolyn

Also, I finally found the Cuban place that me, mom, and Cross went to. And I ate lunch there and it was delicious. Then I tried macarons for the first time and they are sooooo good. So yeah, it's been a pretty good week other than school, but also sort of uneventful.

A bunch of people on the 7th floor pitched in and we shared them
See that open window? Sort of?
There's a person hanging out of it.
Her name is Donelle.
She is hilarious. She knows literally everyone in the program.
She was yelling at the precollege people from her window.
We had a conversation with her from the street.
Okay that's all. Thanks for reading :)

~Le Momo

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