Sunday, July 20, 2014


Okay so story time! Monday night I'm in my friend's room and we're all doing homework and eating dinner and then, suddenly, we hear this loud noise that sounds sort of like a fire alarm coming from the halls. A split second later the sound is coming from all the rooms as well. We rush out of the room and down the stairs until we exit the building. Outside, it was pouring rain. So here we are, about 400 kids crowding under this teeny awning beside the building. At this point, everyone thinks its a drill, but then like 4 fire trucks show up and we realize that something's wrong. It took us about an hour to get back inside and to our rooms.
Fire selfies!! Le Momo and Tamera

Fire trucks because #priorities

More fire trucks

Group fire selfie!
Okay so the people in it from left to right:
Laura, Sabrina, le Momo, Tamera, and Sarah
 Okay so the story isn't over yet...

Tuesday night I'm in my room doing homework (because I'm a productive person) and the fire alarm starts blasting again. You could almost hear the collective groan in the halls of Weinstein. So we all trudge outside into the pouring rain (yes, it was raining AGAIN) and wait. But this time is a bit different. The first time, no one had their IDs, so it took forever to get back into the building, people had no shoes, and some people had just gotten out of the shower and were wearing only towels. One girl was wearing shorts and skillfully folded the towel into what I thought was a shirt. Much towel folding skill. The second time, everyone had their IDs, people had shoes, some had brought food, we had umbrellas; basically we were much more prepared and it was amusing.

Another fire selfie because my priorities are so in check
Okay the people from left to right:
Tarring, Le Momo, Aswini, and Abha


 So that was my Monday and Tuesday night... Very fun...

~Le Momo

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