Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lots of Stuff Happened--7/17/14-7/19/14

By the way, sorry I haven't posted a lot. I've got a REALLY hectic schedule with school. And then when I'm not doing school stuff I'm doing stuff with friends. So yeah. Oops. 

Anyways, so Thursday night Aladdin was one of the activities. I signed up for it, but I didn't get in. If you don't get into activities you can "rush" it, meaning you get there a while before they leave and you put your name on the rush list, so if people don't show up you can go. Last week I tried to rush Cripple of Inishmaan an hour before they left and I didn't get in, so this time I got there 2.5 hours before they left. I was the first person on the rush list. (I wasn't wasting time because I took my computer down to the lobby and did homework.) The point of this being, I GOT IN!! 
Le Momo with tickets
Le people:
Ivy, Le Momo, Ali

My "showbilll"
Someone said that showbill is something Disney does to be unique or something, so instead of playbill it's showbill. Weird, huh?

Aladdin was sooooo good. We didn't have very good seats, but I really didn't care because the show was AWESOME! Genie was incredible. He was HILARIOUS and his voice was amazing. Aladdin was also great. Jasmine was a great singer, but her speaking voice was kinda disney princess-ey. Like I don't know how to describe it, but it just took a while to get used to. Jafar was the same Jafar that was in the movie, so that's pretty amazing. The show was really good overall. Like the old songs were spectacular and the new songs were also surprisingly good. The sets and costumes were really amazing. Like seriously if you have a chance to go see this show, go see it.

In the theatre
It's a bad picture, but whatevs
Ali, Le Momo, Ivy

Friday I went to the Brooklyn Bridge which was pretty freaking awesome. Then we went to Grimaldi's pizza which was AMAZING and we got ice cream and so much food and yumminess. And since it was an activity it was all free. So much fun. 
Subway selfies
Carolyn and Le Momo

View from the Brooklyn Bridge

View of Manhattan from the pier that we went to

Sabrina and Le Momo

Picture of the Brooklyn Bridge from some park we went to

Then Friday night, a group of us was like "let's go to chinatown!" so we went to Chinatown and ate at this really good restaurant and it was really good and everything was pretty. Then we wandered around a lot and found ourselves in Little Italy and we ate a cannoli and yeah. It was pretty fun.

At the restaurant
Tarring, Abha, Aswini, and Le Momo

Also at the restaurant
Aswini, Le Momo, and Carolyn

Okay this arch thing was really pretty but I couldn't get a good picture because of the lights and stuffs

Cannoli nom nom
Aswini, Le Momo, Sabrina, and Tarring

This building was really pretty but I'm bad at taking pictures

Saturday we went to Brooklyn again. A group of about 5 of us went to see this tiny art gallery. We were like "oh it'll take like an hour and the subway will pop us out a few blocks away from the art gallery and it'll all be good." BUT NO. We walk to the subway station on West 4th Street and the M train isn't running. That would've been fine because the F train would've gotten us just as close as the M, BUT the F train was running a different line, so we just get on and hope for the best. We come out of some subway station in Brooklyn and we're 3 miles from the art gallery. So we walk. Three miles. Through Brooklyn.

Pretty building

Pretty door

People doing street art

Street art

Pretty place we walked past

It was actually pretty cool aside from the walking. We walked through this little section with a bunch of Jewish stuff, and that was cool. Then we saw a bunch of street art and it was all really cool. Brooklyn is cool, I've decided. It's a lot different from Manhattan, but it's cool.

Finally, we get to the art gallery and it was BEAUTIFUL. They had a bunch of paintings and prints by different artists, so it was cool to see the different styles. It was totally worth the three miles.

After getting back from a 4 hour excursion in Brooklyn, we studied and rested. Then we went to get henna tattoo stuff and we did a bunch of henna tattoos and that was really cool. 

Cool building we saw in Union Square on the way to get henna

Cool building I saw

After that, we went to get Insomnia Cookies and watched Paranormal Activity 3... Not the best decision I've ever made. It was actually pretty great. There were 6 of us watching it (Le Momo, Sabrina, Carolyn, Abha, Aswini, and Joey). Our screams were so loud that we shut up the party in the hallway and they had to knock on the door to check if we were okay. It was pretty funny. 

Anyways, today I'm gonna do a bunch of homework and that's basically all.

Thanks for reading!
~Le Momo

There were cats
I want a cat

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