Saturday, July 5, 2014

New York Bound--7/5/14

Okay. First post. I don't really know how this blogging thing works so yeah. We'll see how this goes.

Since my ENTIRE family requested a play by play of every minute of every day, I decided to make this little blog thingie so they don't get worried because I forget to talk to them or something of that nature.

Today was my first day in New York. We woke up at 4am to drive to Charlotte and get on the 7:30 plane to New York City. 
Goodbye Greenville!
We got in at about 9 and then took a cab to the hotel. Our hotel is called the Jade Hotel. It's small compared to ones in South Carolina, but it's really nice.

Le Momo gazing out the window
 Once we got here we walked around a lot. There's this market place that was open and we walked through. There we met some of Cross's family and talked to them for a while. 

Le Momo doodling while drinking coffee.

Then we kinda ditched them to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. The view from up there was incredible! 

The Brooklyn Bridge
Then we tried to walk back to the hotel and that took FOREVER. So yeah I'm pretty tired right now. When we got back to the hotel we watched the Netherlands v. Costa Rica game. WOOO NETHERLANDS! HECK YES! While I watched that I designed a preeeetty awesome phone case. 

My awesome phone case
Yeah. That's pretty much all my day was today. Lots of walking. OH! And I had a piroshki. That was really good. I like piroshki.

Le Momo and mother in Washington Square Park (I think)

Awesome sunset picture taken by my mother
ALSO, funny story... so I'm walking out of our hotel room and I swing open the door and it hits me square in the forehead. Hard. So now I have this teeny knot in my forehead. It's not really noticeable, but it's painful. Yeah, fun experiences in New York.

Tomorrow I have to check in and unpack and stuffs. So yeah. Uneventful first post. Here have some pictures of kittens. (Mom, this is foreshadowing. I want a kitten.)
Basket o' Kittens
Smiley Kitten

Kitten in a Hat

Marshmallow Kitten

Random kitten that reminds me of Maggie

Teeny kitten staring into the distance

Thanks for reading!


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