Monday, July 7, 2014

First Day of Classes--7/7/14

Okay so today was pretty eventful. It was my first day of classes (you know, in case you couldn't read the title...). 
Momo's derp face as she heads off to class

My first class is Classical Mythology and it's at 9:30. Surprisingly I had no trouble finding my class. About half of the students in it were in the precollege program and the other half were college students. The class looks like it will be interesting; today we just went over the syllabus and discussed what a myth is. After mythology I had about two hours until my next class. I got my official NYU ID and I ate lunch. 
Not the most flattering picture of me ever taken...

I finally discovered how the meal plan works, so that's good. Eating is probably useful. Then I went to my next class, which was Philosophy. I'm one of two precollege students in this class. This will probably be my most interesting class. It's odd to have things you believe in strongly to be challenged, and it's much more odd to be the one challenging your own beliefs. 

Next I went to my writing seminar. This is made up entirely of precollege students. The professor was a little late, so we started talking amongst ourselves. There's this really cool girl named Ariana who is from Israel; I sat next to her in the orientation and she's really friendly. There's also this girl named Farrah who likes art. Also this girl Nicole who is from New York and Laura who is from Montana and is really funny. People in this program are insanely nice. I haven't met a single unfriendly person yet (in the precollege program. I met an unusually unfriendly person today which I will tell you about later).

Then I looked for a Starbucks. After walking around the block for a while I decided to go ask some security person where the Starbucks is. They said "god can't you kids read." So I smiled and laughed and walked away mumbling some profanities. As it turns out I was just one street away from the Starbucks. Once I FINALLY found it, I got a coffee and read a couple articles for philosophy. 
Coffee and articles

Then... well then nothing. I'm back in the room now. My day is pretty much over. Tomorrow I have the same classes minus the writing seminar, which is only on Mondays and Wednesdays. So yeah. That was my day.

Other Stuff

So last night Alivia and I decided that the best way to make friends was to sit at the end of the hall and wait. I don't think I need to tell you how ineffective this method is... Buuuut it was good for people watching, particularly watching people trying to unlock their doors. There was this one girl whose toilet had been flushing for two hours.

Kitten of the Day!!
Kittens in mugs... So cute I can't even *squeals*

Anyways that's all. Thanks for reading :)

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