Monday, July 28, 2014

Not Much Stuff- 7/25/14-7/27/14

So not much stuff has happened other than A TON of school. Last week was midterms so that's why I didn't post. My mythology one went well--I got an A. And I don't know how I did on philosophy yet because we haven't gotten the paper back. For Philosophy I had to write a paper on either the cosmological argument, Pascal's Wager, or noseeum inferences. I wrote papers for all of them. Like I wrote 3 papers because I couldn't figure out what to do. At this point I've written 3 papers discussing the existence of God. Nyeah. I want us to move on. I'm burnt out haha. Anyways, I ended up turning in the one on Pascal's Wager so yeah.

Also, I went to see a musical called Cabaret. It's one of my favorite musicals, so it was really cool to see it live. I had to wait 4 hours to get in (which is when I wrote 2 of the 3 papers), but it was totally worth it. The actors were really amazing and it was cool and yeah. The first act was like 2 hours it was so long and it was all fun and games but then it got deep REALLY fast. And and and there was this one song called "If You Could See Her Through My Eyes" and it was the host dancing with a person dressed in a bear suit and everyones all like "what the heck does this have to do with the musical??" And then BAM the last line of the song. It's really beautiful go look it up. Now. Look it up now. Like right now.

Outside the theatre

The stage

Abha, Le Momo, and Carolyn

Also, I finally found the Cuban place that me, mom, and Cross went to. And I ate lunch there and it was delicious. Then I tried macarons for the first time and they are sooooo good. So yeah, it's been a pretty good week other than school, but also sort of uneventful.

A bunch of people on the 7th floor pitched in and we shared them
See that open window? Sort of?
There's a person hanging out of it.
Her name is Donelle.
She is hilarious. She knows literally everyone in the program.
She was yelling at the precollege people from her window.
We had a conversation with her from the street.
Okay that's all. Thanks for reading :)

~Le Momo

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lots of Stuff Happened--7/17/14-7/19/14

By the way, sorry I haven't posted a lot. I've got a REALLY hectic schedule with school. And then when I'm not doing school stuff I'm doing stuff with friends. So yeah. Oops. 

Anyways, so Thursday night Aladdin was one of the activities. I signed up for it, but I didn't get in. If you don't get into activities you can "rush" it, meaning you get there a while before they leave and you put your name on the rush list, so if people don't show up you can go. Last week I tried to rush Cripple of Inishmaan an hour before they left and I didn't get in, so this time I got there 2.5 hours before they left. I was the first person on the rush list. (I wasn't wasting time because I took my computer down to the lobby and did homework.) The point of this being, I GOT IN!! 
Le Momo with tickets
Le people:
Ivy, Le Momo, Ali

My "showbilll"
Someone said that showbill is something Disney does to be unique or something, so instead of playbill it's showbill. Weird, huh?

Aladdin was sooooo good. We didn't have very good seats, but I really didn't care because the show was AWESOME! Genie was incredible. He was HILARIOUS and his voice was amazing. Aladdin was also great. Jasmine was a great singer, but her speaking voice was kinda disney princess-ey. Like I don't know how to describe it, but it just took a while to get used to. Jafar was the same Jafar that was in the movie, so that's pretty amazing. The show was really good overall. Like the old songs were spectacular and the new songs were also surprisingly good. The sets and costumes were really amazing. Like seriously if you have a chance to go see this show, go see it.

In the theatre
It's a bad picture, but whatevs
Ali, Le Momo, Ivy

Friday I went to the Brooklyn Bridge which was pretty freaking awesome. Then we went to Grimaldi's pizza which was AMAZING and we got ice cream and so much food and yumminess. And since it was an activity it was all free. So much fun. 
Subway selfies
Carolyn and Le Momo

View from the Brooklyn Bridge

View of Manhattan from the pier that we went to

Sabrina and Le Momo

Picture of the Brooklyn Bridge from some park we went to

Then Friday night, a group of us was like "let's go to chinatown!" so we went to Chinatown and ate at this really good restaurant and it was really good and everything was pretty. Then we wandered around a lot and found ourselves in Little Italy and we ate a cannoli and yeah. It was pretty fun.

At the restaurant
Tarring, Abha, Aswini, and Le Momo

Also at the restaurant
Aswini, Le Momo, and Carolyn

Okay this arch thing was really pretty but I couldn't get a good picture because of the lights and stuffs

Cannoli nom nom
Aswini, Le Momo, Sabrina, and Tarring

This building was really pretty but I'm bad at taking pictures

Saturday we went to Brooklyn again. A group of about 5 of us went to see this tiny art gallery. We were like "oh it'll take like an hour and the subway will pop us out a few blocks away from the art gallery and it'll all be good." BUT NO. We walk to the subway station on West 4th Street and the M train isn't running. That would've been fine because the F train would've gotten us just as close as the M, BUT the F train was running a different line, so we just get on and hope for the best. We come out of some subway station in Brooklyn and we're 3 miles from the art gallery. So we walk. Three miles. Through Brooklyn.

Pretty building

Pretty door

People doing street art

Street art

Pretty place we walked past

It was actually pretty cool aside from the walking. We walked through this little section with a bunch of Jewish stuff, and that was cool. Then we saw a bunch of street art and it was all really cool. Brooklyn is cool, I've decided. It's a lot different from Manhattan, but it's cool.

Finally, we get to the art gallery and it was BEAUTIFUL. They had a bunch of paintings and prints by different artists, so it was cool to see the different styles. It was totally worth the three miles.

After getting back from a 4 hour excursion in Brooklyn, we studied and rested. Then we went to get henna tattoo stuff and we did a bunch of henna tattoos and that was really cool. 

Cool building we saw in Union Square on the way to get henna

Cool building I saw

After that, we went to get Insomnia Cookies and watched Paranormal Activity 3... Not the best decision I've ever made. It was actually pretty great. There were 6 of us watching it (Le Momo, Sabrina, Carolyn, Abha, Aswini, and Joey). Our screams were so loud that we shut up the party in the hallway and they had to knock on the door to check if we were okay. It was pretty funny. 

Anyways, today I'm gonna do a bunch of homework and that's basically all.

Thanks for reading!
~Le Momo

There were cats
I want a cat


Okay so story time! Monday night I'm in my friend's room and we're all doing homework and eating dinner and then, suddenly, we hear this loud noise that sounds sort of like a fire alarm coming from the halls. A split second later the sound is coming from all the rooms as well. We rush out of the room and down the stairs until we exit the building. Outside, it was pouring rain. So here we are, about 400 kids crowding under this teeny awning beside the building. At this point, everyone thinks its a drill, but then like 4 fire trucks show up and we realize that something's wrong. It took us about an hour to get back inside and to our rooms.
Fire selfies!! Le Momo and Tamera

Fire trucks because #priorities

More fire trucks

Group fire selfie!
Okay so the people in it from left to right:
Laura, Sabrina, le Momo, Tamera, and Sarah
 Okay so the story isn't over yet...

Tuesday night I'm in my room doing homework (because I'm a productive person) and the fire alarm starts blasting again. You could almost hear the collective groan in the halls of Weinstein. So we all trudge outside into the pouring rain (yes, it was raining AGAIN) and wait. But this time is a bit different. The first time, no one had their IDs, so it took forever to get back into the building, people had no shoes, and some people had just gotten out of the shower and were wearing only towels. One girl was wearing shorts and skillfully folded the towel into what I thought was a shirt. Much towel folding skill. The second time, everyone had their IDs, people had shoes, some had brought food, we had umbrellas; basically we were much more prepared and it was amusing.

Another fire selfie because my priorities are so in check
Okay the people from left to right:
Tarring, Le Momo, Aswini, and Abha


 So that was my Monday and Tuesday night... Very fun...

~Le Momo

Monday, July 14, 2014

School, Friends, and More School--7/9/14-7/14/14

Okay people, you can stop pestering me now! I'm posting! The reason I haven't posted anything is because 1) I've been busy with school and 2) Not much has happened except for school. But, at literally everyone's request, I will try to post more, even if it's boring.

So basically the last few days have been lots of school. In philosophy we debated the existence of god and in mythology we talked about the creation myths. Philosophy is really interesting. It's my favorite class because it makes me think differently than I usually do. Instead of just refusing to believe something, I have to state why I don't agree with it and what the flaws in their logic are. The burden of proof lies on me. So it's really interesting. I like it. Mythology is boring and a lot of reading, but it inspired an art project that I'm calling "Modern Myths" where I take Greek gods and goddesses and modernize them. 

Okay, aside from school I've made some pretty close friends. I hang out on the 7th floor a lot and I know everyone on it. The floor is so friendly, like people are always just sitting out in the hall studying, and then at night we listen to music in the hall and talk and stuff. My closest friends are Carolyn and Sabrina. They're roommates, so I spend a lot of time in their room haha. Last night I went out to dinner with them, this girl named Ahba, and this guy named Faik. We went to Max Brenner, which is a chocolate place. 

After that we went to the park and listened to people playing the piano. I caught fireflies and one couldn't fly and it made me sad. She just kinda crawled on me and lit up. It was really cute. I named her Gaia. 
That's lil Gaia

Also, an activity I signed up for was a tour of what the PAs called the "gayborhood." We went to an ice cream place and what I got was INSANE. Like it was vanilla ice cream with dulce de leche and it was dipped in chocolate. To. Die. For.
Le ice cream shop
I tried so hard to take a picture. Anyways, that's Le Momo with Le Sabrina and Le guy whose name I can't remember. Anyways, lemme tell you about this dude. He's from Venezuela and he knows literally EVERYTHING about history. In 15 minutes he told us the complete history of Venezuela and how everyone hates Maduro, the dictator, and how they have no food or toilet paper and stuff. Like it's insane. You guys need to look up this stuff. Like I didn't know Venezuela was in such a bad situation. But this dude is cool, I just don't remember his name.

Yeah so that's literally all that's happened. We've gone shopping a couple of times and we mostly just walk around the city because there's something new around every corner. I really love New York. I couldn't live here forever, but it seems like a viable option for a few years. It's a really incredible and diverse city. 
I found someone doing ballet on the street for some movie thing and it reminded me of Jenn...

Thanks for reading!
~Le Momo

P.S.- My mother and my uncle are giving themselves names like my "Le Momo." Le Mama and Le JiJi will never be as fabulous as Le Momo. Be jealous.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Night on the Town--7/8/14

Okay so my day was actually pretty boring until Jim showed up. I had mythology which was sorta interesting and then philosophy which was interesting. Then I got coffee and met people. Later tonight we had sorta a hall party thing and they showed up again and we had fun and talked and stuff.

Mostly the cool part of my day was with Jim. We met in Washington Square Park around 4 and then we walked around the Village a bit.
My ensemble

Le Momo under an NYU sign
Then we took the subway to Bryant park where we walked around a little and ate at a super yummy place. 
Derp face on the subway
Bryant Park is really pretty

Jim and me eating foodles
Then we walked to Times Square and bumped into Morgan Freeman!! Just kidding! It was a wax museum. But from the street it totally looked like him. 
Morgan and Morgan
After that we went to see Kinky Boots! That show is absolutely incredible! Like how is everyone dancing in 6 inch heels?? And the message was so great, it was just a wonderful musical. I highly recommend it to everyone. Go see it.
Momo and le sign

Momo and another sign

Show selfies!!

Pics in front of the stage
So that was an amazing experience... Who has the best uncle ever? That'd be me. Love you Jim!

Thanks for reading people :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

First Day of Classes--7/7/14

Okay so today was pretty eventful. It was my first day of classes (you know, in case you couldn't read the title...). 
Momo's derp face as she heads off to class

My first class is Classical Mythology and it's at 9:30. Surprisingly I had no trouble finding my class. About half of the students in it were in the precollege program and the other half were college students. The class looks like it will be interesting; today we just went over the syllabus and discussed what a myth is. After mythology I had about two hours until my next class. I got my official NYU ID and I ate lunch. 
Not the most flattering picture of me ever taken...

I finally discovered how the meal plan works, so that's good. Eating is probably useful. Then I went to my next class, which was Philosophy. I'm one of two precollege students in this class. This will probably be my most interesting class. It's odd to have things you believe in strongly to be challenged, and it's much more odd to be the one challenging your own beliefs. 

Next I went to my writing seminar. This is made up entirely of precollege students. The professor was a little late, so we started talking amongst ourselves. There's this really cool girl named Ariana who is from Israel; I sat next to her in the orientation and she's really friendly. There's also this girl named Farrah who likes art. Also this girl Nicole who is from New York and Laura who is from Montana and is really funny. People in this program are insanely nice. I haven't met a single unfriendly person yet (in the precollege program. I met an unusually unfriendly person today which I will tell you about later).

Then I looked for a Starbucks. After walking around the block for a while I decided to go ask some security person where the Starbucks is. They said "god can't you kids read." So I smiled and laughed and walked away mumbling some profanities. As it turns out I was just one street away from the Starbucks. Once I FINALLY found it, I got a coffee and read a couple articles for philosophy. 
Coffee and articles

Then... well then nothing. I'm back in the room now. My day is pretty much over. Tomorrow I have the same classes minus the writing seminar, which is only on Mondays and Wednesdays. So yeah. That was my day.

Other Stuff

So last night Alivia and I decided that the best way to make friends was to sit at the end of the hall and wait. I don't think I need to tell you how ineffective this method is... Buuuut it was good for people watching, particularly watching people trying to unlock their doors. There was this one girl whose toilet had been flushing for two hours.

Kitten of the Day!!
Kittens in mugs... So cute I can't even *squeals*

Anyways that's all. Thanks for reading :)